
Automated job/talent finding platform

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A healthy competitor to yestersday’s job and talent finding platforms.

Remember the last time you updated your resume to apply for 3 different jobs.

Did it work? Did you hear back from those companies?

and what about the time you spent on those updates?

Worry no more, Joblite is here to eliminate these hurdles and frustrations. You onboard on this platform and create a portfolio and rest is automated. Your portfolio finds matching jobs for you and if you are interested, it aligns an interview with the recruiter. Same flow for the recruiters, they create jobs and jobs find talents for them automatically and align interviews.


I found this client's Youtube video where he was explaining his idea. I took notes and prepared some sketches and proposed a solution. At that time, the client also had a contest going on to choose a designer so he asked me to wait.

I was confident that my solution is the most valueable both for the client and the users so I ended up winning the project. We worked on two different approaches with a year of break between them. During the break we researched and the COVID happaned as well so the product evolved quite a bit.


As I mentioned above, I started with sketching ideas on different approaches for the same thing. We used to have scrum meetings every other day which included developers as well to quickly validate the idea and give me feedback from both experience and development POVs.

Quick Tip: Clients love you when you keep them in loop. And they start hating you if you don't let them know about your steps during a process.

We had a lot of fun working on this project because when you are working on revolutionary ideas like this one, you can already feel the need to use those apps in your life and that's the proof that you are going on the right direction.


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